Tuesday, October 25, 2011

people need other people

The pastor of the church we've been attending said this to me last week, and it stuck. Because it's true.

Being the new kids in town is always kinda tough. But I can honestly say, we've been blessed yet again in finding really good people. We were extremely blessed in PA with the friends/family we made so quickly and how deep those relationships were rooted from the very beginning.

Being in temporary living in Madison when we first arrived ended up being just that. And although we saw certain people on a somewhat regular basis, no one was willing to get too close because eventually, we were all going our separate ways. So for those first three or so weeks, we didn't start any lasting relationships.

Now we are in Janesville. Much more ideal given it is closer to Mark's job, yet still close enough to Madison to be able to enjoy it when we so choose. Here we found a more permanent home, and started visiting churches seriously seeking out a family to whom we could belong. Church number two, three visits later, and I can seriously say I am going to have some pretty awesome people in my life.

People really do need other people. We need people with whom to love, nurture, encourage, correct, hug, hurt, cry, rejoice, laugh, care for, & pray. And it's a two-way street. We are called by Jesus to love each other. I know there are times that I am selfish or detached, and I am feeling convicted to be more selfless & present & to really, truly love others. Hold me to it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

here's to...

putting the down comforter on the bed & still sleeping with the window cracked...
caramel apples...

all things pumpkin...
walks in the park on crunchy leaves...
lighting the fireplace in the morning...
turning on the heat in the bathroom while getting ready...
brightly hued leaves...

...& mums...
"fall" scented candles...
pots of soup...
& thanking God for all of these blessings, plus so many more, that remind me daily of how good He truly is.

I love this action shot of my nephew, Johnny, and niece, Bella from last fall. Pure joy. :)

Monday, October 17, 2011


I've thought about blogging for a while now, and decided that today was the day to make it a reality. Mark & I, along with the dog, embarked on a journey that has settled us in Wisconsin. 
Yes, we've lived away from family for a long time, but now it seems like we are really, really far. 
I've been looking for ways to share our adventure and stay connected with those we love and miss terribly. This may be it.

As the inaugural post, I've been thinking about ' firsts'. We've experienced a lot of firsts:

Travelling/moving while sick.
Being grateful for movers so we didn't have to do the flight of steps to the 2nd floor a million times.
The massive farmer's market at the capitol.
The joy of fried cheese curds.
Taking Panda baby to the park off leash to play with other dogs.
Finding a bakery that is unheard of cheap.
Did I mention the fried cheese curds?

These are just a few things that I could think of off the top of my head. It's only been a month & a half and we have so much to do/see/learn. Loving this adventure already.