Sunday, September 22, 2013


It's official...I've hit the halfway mark! I am 20 weeks today and can hardly believe that this baby is half cooked!

Some things about week 20:

Baby's size: 6.5 inches (10 inches from head to heel), or the size of a banana
Cravings: It's more like, "wow, I can eat almost anything again!" So happy that I have a lot more variety in my diet now. 
Maternity clothes: not yet, but I may have to break down and buy some maternity jeans soon.
Movement: flutters/rolling-type feelings more often. The ultrasound tech said that it may be taking longer to feel more since the placenta is anterior (sitting at the front of my belly) and baby has more to push through. 
Best moment this week: the "big" ultrasound! Even though we didn't find out the sex, it was amazing to see all the limbs, organs, heartbeat, and movement now that baby has grown even more. There was even some thumb sucking going on.
What I miss: Being able to button my jeans. And not having to get up during the night to pee.
What I am looking forward to: my 20 week appointment on Tuesday so I can hear from my OB about the official reading of the ultrasound. Also, getting the nursery done...gotta get on that! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

week 19

I'm almost at the halfway mark, which seems crazy! 

Here's the rundown:

Baby's size: about 6 inches long, or the size of a mango
Cravings: the same as before. Not "cravings" so much as things that I don't have an aversion to.
Maternity clothes: not yet, but I am drawn to anything stretchy/comfy! I'm still able to wear my regular jeans, but have been using an elastic hair tie at the button. Otherwise, it's digging into my stomach when I sit, and the waist feels a little too snug.
Movement: still nothing consistent, but little flutters here and there, and sometimes I'll feel a bit of pressure against an area of my stomach where the baby must be pressing into.
Best moment this week: actually being pretty sure I felt the baby move, and also for a couple of really good days this weekend that I felt really well and could eat more!
What I miss: Enjoying a large variety of foods.
What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound at the end of the week! I can't wait to see our baby again now that he or she is bigger. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

On pregnancy

I am so incredibly grateful that we have been blessed with this baby growing inside of me. It's still so hard to wrap my head around the fact that something so miraculous is happening within my body.

I still worry (what mom doesn't), but I know it's not up to me.
It was a daily battle for me even before this pregnancy. Would I be able to get pregnant again? Would it take a long time? Would I be someone who has multiple miscarriages like others I had read about? All of these normal thoughts, I think, but I had to learn to not let them consume me.
Only God knows what will happen with this little one from the time he or she came into existence, and only He knows his or her future.

I am grateful for the now. I am grateful for every doctor appointment that lets us know things are okay at this moment. I am grateful for my slowly growing belly that tells me this little one is also growing.

With all that being said; do I love pregnancy? If I am completely honest, the answer is 'no.' Do I love that I'm pregnant? Yes. It's a strange thing, but it's true. I think because I still feel sick a lot is to blame, but I do love that I'm pregnant and that God has given us this amazing blessing.

Week: 17
Baby's size: about 5 inches, or the size of an onion or turnip
Cravings: Fruit, anything sour/tart (green olives, dill pickles, etc.), tomatoes with salt
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but my jeans are getting a little tighter on my belly.
Movement: Nothing positive yet. I've felt a few quivers that could be, but still too early to tell for sure.
Best moment this week? Hearing baby's heartbeat at my 16 week appointment!
What I miss: Feeling good, energy
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery ready :)