Tuesday, November 19, 2013


We've made it to the third trimester! My appointment with the doctor went well. I've gained 16 pounds so far and am measuring 29 cm which is good. Baby's heartbeat was 142 which has been pretty consistent each visit.

Baby's size: about 2 1/4 pounds, or the size of a large eggplant, and about 13.6-14.8 inches long
Cravings: Salads, sweets, milk
Maternity clothes: same as before, but noticing certain shirts are getting a little shorter in the front haha.
Movement: lots of movement throughout the day, which I love! I love when Mark can feel the baby too. :)
Best moment this week: Having another good appointment, and reading this. I pray I keep this perspective throughout marriage and parenting, and model/teach my children the importance of this type of love.
What I miss: bending over easily lol
What I am looking forward to: hopefully not getting backaches so frequently once this kid is on the outside! ;)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

end of the second...

trimester, that is. Can't believe I'm 27 weeks already. Pregnancy is a strange thing in that it goes so slowly and so quickly at the same time. Feels like I've been pregnant forever, but how am so close to having this kid already?!

So, just a few things...

Baby's size: 13.5-14.5 inches or 1.5-2.5 pounds. The comparison was to a rutabaga...which is a type of turnip. I wish I knew how they came up with these things. ;)
Cravings: vegetables and sweets (mostly chocolate)
Maternity clothes: I did break down and buy maternity jeans shortly after my 20 week post. It was the best idea ever. Jeans with a stretchy belly band and no buttons are a win! Otherwise I am able to wear regular shirts if they are long enough, although I do have a few maternity shirts.
Movement: Lots! It really started a couple weeks ago that I was able to feel some movement from the outside, and it's happening more often. It's a weird but amazing feeling!
Best moment this week: Well since I haven't updated for seven weeks, there is more than one. Hearing my doctor say that the ultrasound looked good. When Mark got to feel the baby kick while we were on vacation in Boston. Vacation in Boston! Eating yummy mussels and lobster roll. The morning last week that the baby was moving like crazy for a few hours (I think I ate a turnover for breakfast lol). Finally finishing the paint in the nursery! I'm sure there are more, but that's all I can remember at the moment.
What I miss: Sushi. I've had sushi, but obviously eat the stuff that has cooked seafood. I miss being able to eat whatever kinds I want. It's not a big deal, but that's something I get really hungry for every few weeks.
I also miss bending over easily...and it's only going to get worse!
What I am looking forward to: being in the third trimester next week! Can't believe we are already so close to the end! I also have my 28 week appointment which is always exciting. I feel like they are "milestone markers" in a way.