Sunday, July 13, 2014

almost 5...

This baby boy is almost 5 months old! Next weekend, actually. It is so fun to watch him grow and discover new things, but also a little sad to see him already growing so quickly. Time is flying by, and I'm trying to cherish every moment of his babyhood.

He is such a happy little guy. Lots of smiles that melt my heart. He does quite a bit of "chatting" and loves to blow bubbles. He chews on his hands constantly (teething is a comin'), and has discovered the fascination of his feet. He also wants to stand/jump all the time! Mark bought an exersaucer/bouncer last weekend, and Silas is absolutely loving it! He still leans forward or back since he's not sitting up yet, but he will stand straight up every once in a while. And those little legs are getting strong! It's a lot of fun watching him get so excited.

He rolls over really well from his belly to his back, which is becoming a challenge at nap and bed time since he likes to sleep on his tummy. But it's really fun to see him roll over and look up at me with the biggest smile all proud of himself.

Becoming a parent was probably the most life-changing moment of my life, but I can't imagine life without him now. Parenthood has already challenged and stretched me in just 5 short months, but I hope I am becoming a better wife and mother out of all the things I experience and learn along the way.