Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{almost} home at last

I've been doing a lot of blog reading, but not a lot of blog writing. And it's been two months since I've posted anything. Shameful.

I was getting used to my "routine" if you can really call it that. I started working my "career" job the end of January, and although I don't work a set schedule, I have been getting settled into what for me is routine. I am enjoying the job, although I know I still have so much more to learn!

This past week I got to throw a little wrench (in a great way) into my daily grind. I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in my dear cousin's wedding celebration! That meant a trip to Ohio for the festivities and chance to see family. The wedding was beautiful, the dancing was a blast, & I know my cousin is one happy little lady, which makes me happy. :)

I don't have the photos off of the camera yet, but I have some proof of my overall happiness...especially three little munchkins (aka niece & nephews) I can't get enough of!

And now that I'm home & hubby left literally ten minutes after we got home to get on another airplane for work, I have taken it upon myself to work on the next big event in our lives: moving. Well, more specifically the packing part of the moving process. I'll leave the heavy lifting up to him next weekend. ;) We close on this beaut Tuesday and I'm stoked!

Ok, I don't love the baby blue shutters, but that's an easy fix. The house is great and I'm so excited to get in there and make it ours! This house brings a new and different excitement than that of our first home purchase. This is making our move to Wisconsin feel even more permanent, and it was chosen so that we can grow into it. It's crazy to think that this is the house we will be raising our future babies in! I am excited to decorate, DIY, garden, bake, have people over for dinners, have fires outside and in the fireplace, organize, have girlfriends over for chats & coffee, and for the many more memories that will be made in this space.